Sunday, December 28, 2008

Biggest Lie Ever Told

Sittin here mad at whoever said and made others believe "It's the thought that counts" when it comes to gifts.

Like I really don't wanna sound like an ungrateful spoiled brat cause I swear I'm not (most of the time anyway). But seriously why do people live by that?

Now this Christmas I got all that I wanted (it was only one thing anyway) and then some. I'm glad that my friends and family thought about me and loved me enough to remember lil ole me even within the hard times going on and what not.

But some of the things people give just don't make sense. Plus if its really the thought that counts then some of yall cheated cause you obviously wasn't thinking about me when you got it.

Examples just to prove my point and seem less like a spoiled ass:

Coffee Maker and mug: ummmm you don't know that I'm not really big on coffe? Anyone who knows me knows that. So you couldn't have THOUGHT about me when buying or probably re-gifting that to me.

Football DVD's: ????? Just why? Why would you do that? I don't like Football in the slightest (mostly cause the superbowl has landed on my b-day one to many times and taken all my b-day shine) and don't have a man at the moment who I'd give them to or watch with. So you can't possibly say you THOUGHT about me when you put my name on the gift tag. I just know that was a mistake.

Spicy Cooking Sauces Kit: still LMAO @ this one. Had to be a joke...just had to be. ANYONE and EVERYONE who remotely knows me knows that I CAN'T STAND hot stuff. Like I've been known to literally rinse off a hot wing before I took a nibble. So why would I need a spicy sauce kit? You my friend most definitely did NOT put any THOUGHT into that at all.

So to me in all of these cases "its the thought that counts" don't mean a thing cause it didn't occur to any of these people to think.

Let me give you an example of a time when this phrase is acceptable.

Say you had a friend or family member with a birthday coming up and you know their favorite gum or candy or something. Ok so you get them that cause its cheap and you don't have alot of money to start with. They will be like "hey, you remembered this is my favorite" most folks won't be like "well damn all I got was a stick of gum" it means something because you THOUGHT abuout only that person and what they personally liked and knew it would make them happy.

So people pay attention and stop wasting money on things that people won't use or want anyway. Give someone something that means somthing to them and you know they would appreciate. Honestly I would rather you give the money to a charity or put it away for your kids college fund than to buy me something that I have no use for.

Do better friends and family cause I promise I will.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pointlessness Ensues

Don't continue reading this post unless you're extremely bored at the moment becuase it's absolutely pointless.

Winter mix is coming down outside yay. No school for the kiddies in the morning. I know they're happy about that. Wow...not too long ago I was one of the ones wishing,hoping, and praying for a snow day so I wouldn't have to go to school. Wait.. it's not a snow day is it? Technically it couldn't be cause no snow is falling. It's just sleet and freezing rain. I guess it's an ice day then. I'm sure its gonna be slick a frozen all day tomorrow. I hate ice days though. I mean at least lets get some snow then that way all the thousands of kids who won't be going to school in the morning will be able to go play in it. Ice is no fun. Who makes ice angels, or ice men, or even ice ice cream lol. Snow ice cream is whats really good. If you never tried it then get on that ASAP. I wouldn't try to make it here in the city though. I gotta go back to the country for that so I can get that fresh white snow that looks so pretty it ALMOST makes you wanna just leave it alone.

Why is that I get so hungry when I'm bored? I don't even eat alot on a regular basis. But let me get really bored and I'll eat everything in sight. Well maybe not everything in sight cause I'm really picky anyway but still you know what I mean.
For example I just ate 2 packs of fruit snacks, half a PB-n-J, some Sun Chips, and some Kool-Aid. Somewhere in that mix, something went horribly wrong because my stomach is rumbling lounder than a freight train at the moment.

Why in the world is Dave Letterman still on T.V. Who seriously watches this guy anymore. I guess it has to be someone for him to still be on T.V but it's about time for him to go sit down. His jokes (if you can even call em' jokes) are not funny in the least bit at all. I guess it's good money though so I can't knock his hustle.

I've been thinking about going natural for a while. Maybe I'll do it after I graduate. I'm scared though because I finally got some pretty good length. I would have to do a major chop to cut out the perm and leave the natural. Maybe not cause I haven't had a perm in about a month and a half and the afro under here is serious business right about now. I can't even comb through it good. women and our hair woes. If I was bold enough I sure would just go bald and say F*** it. But I'm not so oh well.

It's funny how in my head I cuss about every other word but I can't find it in me say it or even type it nearly as much as I think it. I have no clue why though. I think I feel bad when I cuss because it was always such a big deal to do so when I was a kid.

Speaking of being a kid...I sure wish I could go back to those days. I'll have to do a blog about all my fave childhoom memories. So many experiences. Lol I'm cracking up just having flash backs. Yep I think thats gonna be my next post. All about some crazy ish I did a child.

Ok, I guess I'm done with my randomness. I'm off to watch youtube videos and read blogs until I just can't stand it anymore or until my computer dies lets see which happend first.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Forever Love?

Is it even realistic to expect a relationship to last forever? Personally, I don't think so. I just don't get why people constantly enter into relationships thinking "this is the one" then for whatever reason it's over. Then the cycle continues and you get all heartbroken and depressed. I don't think think I've ever entered a relationship thinking that I'd be with that person forever. Even with my most recent ex. Our relationship was GREAT! Even though it was all good, I never thought that he was my future. Even when he would say " I can see us together forever" I just couldn't get on that same level in my head, I most definitely did not agree with his statments. I was just enjoying us at the time and seeing where it took us.

Why can't relationships just "be"? Why do we have to add all that pressure of lasting forever. In my opinion we need to last however long we can make it and if something happens that prevents "us" then oh well we're done and thats life.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm afraid of commitment, Maybe I'm a bit jaded from my experiences and those I've seen, Maybe I haven't lived long enough to know what I'm talking about, I don't know I guess its something.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Triflin' in the Church House

Now in my years of living I've seen some real bogus stuff go down in the church house. From fighting to fuckin' and everything in between I've seen it all. least I thought I seen it all until yesterday.

I was at a holiday church service and saw a man do what I consider to be some really trife ish. Just before we were about to leave we took up an offering. First off, this was a special offering. The money wasn't going to the church it was going to a youth group in order to help the kids have a good Christmas and have food and toys and all that good stuff. Secondly, it was the only offering of the day. No other money was taken up because the pastor really wanted to do something good for the kids (who were all in attendance) for the holidays.

The plate goes around and people prepare to give what they can. The plate gets passed down my row and everyone puts in a little something. The guy next to me notices that there was another girl sitting next to him who didn't have anything to give so he gives her a dollar which I thought was cute and nice.

So she puts in the dollar and he puts in one of his own. The plate comes to me and I put in my money and I begin to pass it along. When it gets to the row behind us, the man who was next to me turned around to the back row and asked for the offering plate. Can somebody tell me why this man took his dollar out and the one he gave the girl and put it back in his pockets and handed the plate to the usher like it was nothing.

I was tripping cause I couldn't believe he just did that. Never in my life have I seen someone do that. Maybe its just me but I thought it was kind of wrong. I know some people who get a little hesitant about giving to the church because they don't know whats being done with the money. But in this case you saw who the money was going to, the kids were sitting right up front filling up a quarter of the church. And it wasn't like it was the 55th offering of the day like some Churches have multiple offerings in one service.

If you didn't wanna give then don't. But to publicly fake it was NOT COOL at all. If you needed that money then you shoulda kept it and your pocket and wave your hand over the offering plate and say a prayer that you'll have it next time or something. Not only that, but you gave the little girl the money to put in there and then gonna take it out like that. She was probably happy to get the chance to give like everyone else but you took it back. If I was the usher I woulda made you put it back because as soon as it hit the plate it was no longer yours it belonged to the kids in this case. I hope you don't do that all the time. Who gives a fake offering?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I've been Hoodwinked and Bamboozled

I'm totally mad at whoever it was that told me these things were good. Whoever it was you need to give me my 88 cents back cause it was a complete waste of my money. I know these thing have been out for a while now but I've never tried em'. So yesterday I hit up Wally World for a few thing and as I proceed to check out I pass the cakesters in the line (damm you stores for those impulse buying techniques) and I pick one up. I was thinking to myself "I've never had these but I've heard several people mention how good they are" so I gave it a shot.

Now when I get home and got ready to eat those bad boys I was so excited. I just knew I found my new favorite snack. I mean it couldn't be too bad right?... I already love me some regular Oreos so this can only be better. Boy was I WRONG. First, the cakesters just look nasty once you see if for real. Looks more like something that should be coming out rather than going in. That was turnoff already but I proceed to eat and and got the shock of my life. It was NOT what's hot. I immediately spit out the first bite and then threw the rest away.

I'm just mad that I was so hyped up about it and this was what I got. I'm seriously trying to remember at least one person who told me to try it cause I'm really gone need you to give my money back. And I know it was more than one person so yall better chip in to give my 88 cents. I know it's a recession but oh well, thats what you get for telling innocent young souls to waste money on some bull like that. lol