It's the truth! Higher education isn't simply termed that because it's among the highest level of education one can attain. The stuff is really high! As in money that most folks don't have to come to these institutions and play around. If you do or your parents do then more power to you.
This isn't high school anymore and it's most definitely not free so why are some people still acting like it is? If your entering an institute of higher education you should present your self with a bit of higher intellect and behavior.
I got so frustrated in my U.S History class today. Two girls who should have thought twice about the reasons they are here irritated me to no end.
The first girl wanted to argue with the teacher cause she wanted to sit in class and text loud (keys not on silent) all in his face while he was teaching, then get upset when he asked her to go outstide or put it away.
The other girl got all pissy with me for asking the teacher questions when she was ready to go. Seriously? You wanna get upset about me wanting to get my moneys worth out of this class. And if you feel like you needed to go in such a hurry you should have just left. No one is holding you hostage. No one is going to write you up and send you to the principals office for walking out. What you should have done was sit down and listen and hope you pass the test next week instead of huffing and puffing and talking under your breath about some foolishness.
I'm just saying...we are all here for a reason. To get that degree and then keep it moving to the next step. Don't be in college acting petty and doing high school things. If you fail at this then its a waste of someones money, either yours,your parents, the government, or a private fund of some type. To sit in college is do such things is the equivalent of someone passing you some money only so that you can flush it down the toilet.
Let's do better please...that's all.
Monday, January 26, 2009
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