Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh How I Wish I Was A Kid Again

Growing up is scary for real. Today is my 20th Birthday and I feel weird lol. It's just that I'm realizing more and more that my success and/or failures in life are solely my responsibility now.

Not to mention the whole heap of responsibilities that I'm only getting the beginning of now. I know it only gets worse later on and I'm not looking forward to it.

It's like the transition from childhood to adulthood isn't a fair trade. I'm being shortchanged somewhere in the process.

I just want to be 10 again. My only responsibilities were going to school, cleaning my room, and being a kid.

I could go out and play all day, get dirty, ride my bike, use my imagination to create my own little world without any judgement because that's what kids do. I can't do that as an adult because I have to face certain realities.

Ok let me stop, there are good things about growing up but I still miss being a kid. The video says it all for me.

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