Saturday, January 31, 2009

We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident

It's obviously that time again. Today was all the proof I needed. It's officially green season. School refund checks and taxes are being dished out and the block is hot with folks buying everything under the sun. We don't know how to act when we get a little change in our hands.

I go to the mall today and see half of my campus in there shopping it up. We all had the same problem. Buying unnecessary things just because we had some money finally. I only went out today looking for one thing...a new comforter set for the dorm. I came out with a phone case, new shoes, perfume, universal charger, a Snuggie (for my Grandma because she's been brainwashed into thinking that it's something special), and a bunch of other things that I know I didn't need anyway. The sad thing is I didn't even get a comforter set. Not even a sheet or a pillowcase or anything remotely close to why I went out today.


AssertiveWit said...

that Snuggie is the truth...bout to get me one next month hahahahah I mean, I know its basically a robe on backwards and sewn up but so mom aint here to make me one so I'm buying me one. Watch how happy your g-ma is gonna be with her just watch! LOL

Anonymous said...

The same thing happen to me. I went to the mall for a shirt and a new cell phone and came out with two fits, a phone, and some other stuff. Those damn checks...Its a set-up lol