Sunday, December 28, 2008

Biggest Lie Ever Told

Sittin here mad at whoever said and made others believe "It's the thought that counts" when it comes to gifts.

Like I really don't wanna sound like an ungrateful spoiled brat cause I swear I'm not (most of the time anyway). But seriously why do people live by that?

Now this Christmas I got all that I wanted (it was only one thing anyway) and then some. I'm glad that my friends and family thought about me and loved me enough to remember lil ole me even within the hard times going on and what not.

But some of the things people give just don't make sense. Plus if its really the thought that counts then some of yall cheated cause you obviously wasn't thinking about me when you got it.

Examples just to prove my point and seem less like a spoiled ass:

Coffee Maker and mug: ummmm you don't know that I'm not really big on coffe? Anyone who knows me knows that. So you couldn't have THOUGHT about me when buying or probably re-gifting that to me.

Football DVD's: ????? Just why? Why would you do that? I don't like Football in the slightest (mostly cause the superbowl has landed on my b-day one to many times and taken all my b-day shine) and don't have a man at the moment who I'd give them to or watch with. So you can't possibly say you THOUGHT about me when you put my name on the gift tag. I just know that was a mistake.

Spicy Cooking Sauces Kit: still LMAO @ this one. Had to be a joke...just had to be. ANYONE and EVERYONE who remotely knows me knows that I CAN'T STAND hot stuff. Like I've been known to literally rinse off a hot wing before I took a nibble. So why would I need a spicy sauce kit? You my friend most definitely did NOT put any THOUGHT into that at all.

So to me in all of these cases "its the thought that counts" don't mean a thing cause it didn't occur to any of these people to think.

Let me give you an example of a time when this phrase is acceptable.

Say you had a friend or family member with a birthday coming up and you know their favorite gum or candy or something. Ok so you get them that cause its cheap and you don't have alot of money to start with. They will be like "hey, you remembered this is my favorite" most folks won't be like "well damn all I got was a stick of gum" it means something because you THOUGHT abuout only that person and what they personally liked and knew it would make them happy.

So people pay attention and stop wasting money on things that people won't use or want anyway. Give someone something that means somthing to them and you know they would appreciate. Honestly I would rather you give the money to a charity or put it away for your kids college fund than to buy me something that I have no use for.

Do better friends and family cause I promise I will.

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