Monday, November 17, 2008

Buy a vowel please

Or at least get a dictionary... I have a major pet peeve with people who speak like they just walked up out of the cornfields and never set foot in a classroom. I mean I know we all use slang and even some Ebonics from time to time, but to straight butcher the English language 24/7 is pitiful. Now I don't claim to be the most grammatically correct sister or whatever but I do try. Especially in professional or classroom settings. I know when it's time to sound and write like I got some sense but, I also know when it's not as serious and I can speak or write however I want to.

This mini-rant comes from this girl in my Afro-American Studies class. We have to give weekly oral presentations and every time it's her turn she makes me cringe before she even opens her mouth. I mean it really makes you wonder how she even made it to college speaking like that. It's not that she has an accent or even a regional dialect, she just has this way of messing up every other word that comes out. It makes it hard to pay attention to what she is saying and get the point of her presentations. She may have some good ideas but I can't take her serious therefore I can't listen to enough to get anything from her presentations.

Also, If your going to write something to turn in to someone for a grade or a job them do a spellcheck or find someone to edit it. I see to many of my classmates turn in papers that look like an extra long text message or e-mail just because they have gotten used to that casual manner of speaking and typing. Learn to turn it on and off people it does make a difference.

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